Temporary register

Our temporary register is for non-ongoing (temporary) job vacancies.

A temporary contract could be a week to 12 months, depending on what we require from the job.

Apply for the temporary register

To apply, email us with:

  • a completed application coversheet (including the names of two referees);
  • a resume outlining you career history and qualifications; and
  • a cover letter (2 pages or less).

You must meet certain eligibility criteria to apply for jobs with us.

What happens next

When a job is available, we may contact you to find out if you’re suitable and available to start.

We could fill these job vacancies at short notice.

Staying on the temporary register

Being on the temporary employment register does not guarantee you will get a job offer.

We will keep your application on our register for 6 months.

Send us a new application:

  • when your employment details change
  • when your personal details change
  • 6 months after you lodged your application.

You may contact People Strategies for queries about the temporary register.

Jobs with temporary contracts

Types of jobs you may be contacted for include:

  • full time, part time or casual (casual positions can be irregular, with varying hours and days)
  • available at the APS 1 to 6 levels or Executive 1 and 2 levels
  • in a range of skills including accounting and finance, administration, communications, human resources, legal, policy, research, and workplace health and safety.