Workers' compensation resources

Safe Work Australia has developed a range of resources to provide general information about workers’ compensation. Safe Work Australia does not administer or regulate workers’ compensation schemes. This is the responsibility of the Commonwealth, states and territories who manage their own workers’ compensation arrangements. For this reason, Safe Work Australia is only able to provide general information, for detailed advice on workers’ compensation arrangements we suggest you visit the workers' compensation authority website in your state or territory. A list of contacts are provided below.

For resources specific to the National Return to Work Strategy 2020-2030, see the resource library.

Fact sheets

What is workers’ compensation? 

This fact sheet has been developed to provide workers with a general understanding of workers’ compensation. 

How does workers’ compensation help?

This fact sheet has been developed to help workers understand how workers’ compensation can help them recover from a work-related injury or disease. 

Workers’ compensation and the gig economy

This fact sheet has been developed to encourage gig workers to enquire into their workers’ compensation entitlements and to inform platforms of the general obligations under workers’ compensation law for employers. 

Workers' compensation stigma resources

We have created a suite of resources to help increase awareness of workers’ compensation stigma and how to take action to reduce it.

The resources include fact sheets, case studies, and a campaign kit with posters, infographics and other communication resources.

Go to our Workers' compensation stigma resources.

Recent policy paper

Safe Work Australia has developed a paper on workers’ compensation coverage. The Workers’ compensation coverage paper looks at the nature of workers compensation coverage in Australia. It considers whether current workers’ compensation coverage arrangements in Australia remain fit for purpose.

This is the first publication in a series of discussion papers on current and emerging workers’ compensation issues.

View the Workers’ compensation coverage paper

For more specific information on making a workers’ compensation claim, you should contact your workers’ compensation authority. 

Safe Work Australia Interactive Data site

National Return to Work outcomes data can now be seen on our new interactive data page on the Data website. More information about the data is available on the about our datasets page.