Social media

Safe Work Australia uses social media to share information on our policies and publications, and to enable two-way conversations and feedback.

We operate the following social media accounts:

Social media community standards

You may express your views, comments, ideas, insights about or criticisms of Safe Work Australia on our social media channels. However, in doing so you must treat others with respect and courtesy. The following standards apply to any contributions you make to our social media accounts. 

You are responsible for your contributions on our social media channels and must ensure that: 

  • Your contribution does not breach any law (including confidentiality, privacy, copyright, etc.)
  • If your contribution uses material that you do not own, you acknowledge the author of that material.  
  • Your contribution does not depict or encourage violence, is not pornographic, defamatory, racist, abusive, obscene, offensive or otherwise discriminatory and is not intended to intimidate or harass another person or organisation.   
  • Your contribution does not promote, distribute or endorse commercial products or activities or solicit business.
  • Your contribution is not irrelevant, spam, vexatious, false or misleading as to its origin, authorship or otherwise.  

If you breach these standards, Safe Work Australia may block your account or delete your contributions. There may be times when contributions that breach these standards appear on a channel before they can be removed. Please contact Safe Work Australia via email if you become aware of any post or comment that is in breach, and Safe Work Australia will address the issue appropriately.

Safe Work Australia may amend or update its community standards at any time.

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact Safe Work Australia via email

Privacy statement

Safe Work Australia records all information posted to its social media channels and uses that information for the purposes of administering those channels as well as considering and addressing any comments made. We will not make any further attempt to identify individuals except where authorised or required by law.

Please visit Safe Work Australia’s website for our full Privacy policy.

Information management

Safe Work Australia retains archived copies of all social media posts published by the Agency in accordance with the National Archives of Australia guidance on managing social media.

Monthly archiving of the social media posts produced by the Agency is undertaken and stored on the Agency's records management system.

External comments relating to policy feedback, announcements or complaints, are retained as required. 


Your use of Safe Work Australia’s social media channels and any linked websites is at your own risk.

Views expressed on Safe Work Australia’s social media channels by anyone other than Safe Work Australia are not the views of Safe Work Australia. 

Safe Work Australia does not endorse or control any advertising that may be displayed on our social media channels by the social media platforms that host our channels (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube).

Safe Work Australia strives to review the content on its social media channels on a regular basis. However, there may be times when content not meeting our community standards policy appears on Safe Work Australia’s social media channels. While reasonable efforts are made by Safe Work Australia to ensure that inappropriate material on its social medial channels is identified and moderated, this does not guarantee that we will identify all inappropriate material or that inappropriate material will be removed in a timely fashion or at all.

Following and followers

We may not follow the organisations or individuals who follow Safe Work Australia.

Safe Work Australia may follow relevant organisations including government agencies, organisations in the work health and safety industry, and other parties where there is a benefit in creating a connection to share communications and receive information.

Where Safe Work Australia follows an organisation on social media, this does not suggest that Safe Work Australia represents or endorses the work, actions or social media posts of that organisation. 

Sharing and liking

On occasion, we may share content from other LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter users.

Where Safe Work Australia shares or likes content from other social media users (on platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter) the liking or sharing of that user’s content in no way represents or implies commercial endorsement by Safe Work Australia of the work, actions or social media posts of that user’s content.