Decision Regulation Impact Statement: Managing the risks of respirable crystalline silica at work


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This Decision regulation impact statement (Decision RIS) provides an impact analysis of the regulatory and non-regulatory options to manage the risks of respirable crystalline silica at work. 

The Decision RIS was informed by an extensive consultation process, including a Consultation Regulation Impact Statement. Submissions were received from governments, peak bodies, unions, employer or industry representatives, commercial enterprises, lawyers, insurance groups, academics, and individuals. 

The Office of Impact Analysis assessed the decision RIS as compliant with the Regulatory Impact Analysis Guide for Ministers’ Meetings and National Standard Setting Bodies (May 2021).

Supporting information

Crystalline silica and silicosis | Safe Work Australia

Publication Date:

Last updated:

Publication type:

Regulatory impact statement


Hazardous chemicals
Occupational diseases
The work environment
Crystalline silica and silicosis