Model WHS Act cross-comparison table

Model WHS act cross-comparison tool

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Where a provision includes both an expected jurisdictional variation and another variation, the provision will be coloured red.

  • Green = no variation.
  • Orange = expected jurisdictional variation.
  • Red = other variation.

Last updated: March 2024

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The model WHS laws have been implemented in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, the Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, the Commonwealth and Western Australia. Some jurisdictions have made minor variations to make sure the legislation is consistent with their relevant drafting protocols and other laws and processes.

The model WHS Act cross-comparison table summarises the similarities and differences between the model WHS Act and the WHS Acts of the jurisdictions that have adopted the model WHS Act.

For information on the operation of WHS laws in your jurisdiction, please contact your WHS regulator.

The tool is current as at 22 December 2022.


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The model WHS laws have been implemented in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, the Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, the Commonwealth and Western Australia. Some jurisdictions have made minor variations to make sure the legislation is consistent with their relevant drafting protocols and other laws and processes.  

The model WHS Act cross-comparison table summarises the similarities and differences between the model WHS Act and the WHS Acts of the jurisdictions that have adopted the model WHS Act. 

For information on the operation of WHS laws in your jurisdiction, please contact your WHS regulator.

The table is current as at 22 December 2022.

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Model Work Health and Safety Laws
Law and regulation
Model WHS Laws