Work Health and Safety Perceptions: Construction Industry


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The construction industry is designated as a priority industry for work health and safety as per the Australian Work Health and Safety Strategy 2012-22 due to the high number and rate of work-related injuries and illnesses and inherent risks associated with working in the industry.

This report is one of a series produced by Safe Work Australia on priority industries. These reports are intended to provide an overview of Safe Work Australia’s current state of knowledge about work health and safety in priority industries.

This report focuses on:

  • work-related injuries
  • exposure to disease-causing hazards and provision of control measures
  • work health and safety practices
  • work health and safety attitudes and perceptions


  • Researchers
  • Policy developers
  • PCBUs
  • Union/ industry representatives
  • Regulator
  • Government

Publication Date:

Last updated:

Publication type:

Statistical reports


Disease and injury data
Disease and injury data by industry