
Inherent risks associated with mining 

Inherent risks associated with working in the mining industry include: 

  • body stressing, manual handling and musculoskeletal disorders 

  • slips trips and falls 

  • being hit by moving objects or machinery 

  • working with high risk plant 

Between 2001–02 to 2014–15 in Mining: 

  • Body stressing represented 39% of workers’ compensation claims. Many of these were due to muscular stress handling objects, carrying or putting down objects. 

  • Falls, trips and slips accounted for 25% of claims with the majority of these arising from falls on the same level. 

  • Being hit by moving objects accounted for 18% of claims. Over one-quarter of these were due to being hit by mobile plant and transport. 

Mining regulation 

The Australian Government does not regulate WHS in the mining industry. WHS in the mining industry is regulated by states and territories. 

A summary of the WHS regulatory framework for mining is set out below. 


Mining legislative framework 

New South Wales 

WHS requirements for mining are regulated through the: 

More information about NSW’s WHS regulatory framework for mining is available at the NSW Resources Regulator


WHS requirements for mining are regulated through: 

More information about Victoria’s WHS regulatory framework for mining is available at WorkSafe Victoria


WHS requirements for mining are regulated through the: 

More information about Queensland’s WHS regulatory framework for mining is available at the Queensland Government website. 

Note: This legislation is under review. Information about the review is available at the Department of Resources website. 

Western Australia 

WHS requirements for mining are regulated through the: 

More information on Western Australia’s WHS regulatory framework for mining is available at the Department of Mines, Industry, Regulation and Safety

South Australia 

WHS requirements for mining are regulated through: 

  • Chapter 10 of the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA) 

More information is available at SafeWork South Australia


WHS requirements for mining are regulated through the: 

More information about Tasmania’s WHS regulatory framework for mining is available at WorkSafe Tasmania

Australian Capital Territory 

WHS requirements for mining are regulated through the: 

Northern Territory 

WHS requirements for mining are regulated through the: 

More information is available at the Northern Territory Worksafe website

Supporting information