Guide for major hazard facilities – Notification and determination


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This guide gives major hazard facility (MHF) operators information on the notification and determination processes towards becoming an MHF.  

Operators must notify the regulator about Schedule 15 chemicals that are at or might be at the facility. The regulator will then determine if the facility is an MHF. 

This guide will help operators: 

  • quickly notify the regulator  

  • work out the amount of Schedule 15 chemicals there is, or is likely to be, at the facility 

  • provide the regulator with the necessary information to correctly identify the facility as an MHF. 

This is one of 9 guides to help MHF operators understand Chapter 9 – Major hazard facilities in the model WHS Regulations. 

Supporting information 

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Hazardous chemicals
Safety by industry and business
Identify, assess and control hazards
Major hazard facilities