Guide for major hazard facilities – Safety assessment


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This guide is for major hazard facility (MHF) operators on how to conduct a safety assessment of hazards and risks that might lead to a major incident at an MHF.  

The safety assessment will help MHF operators understand all health and safety risks that could arise from major incidents that may occur at their facility.   

This guide helps MHF operators understand: 

  • the type of major incident and major incident hazards at their facility 

  • the chance of each major incident hazard causing a major incident 

  • a major incident’s potential magnitude and severity 

  • how current and future control measures can reduce the chance and effects of a major incident. 

This is one of 9 guides to help MHF operators understand Chapter 9 – Major hazard facilities in the model WHS Regulations. 

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Hazardous chemicals
Safety by industry and business
Identify, assess and control hazards
Major hazard facilities