More WHS data released

Safe Work Australia is pleased to announce a second release of industry and workers’ compensation data to the beta site

The initial release in March 2023 published dashboards for our key datasets including work-related fatalities, workers’ compensation, WHS prosecutions as well as 2 industry data sets - agriculture and road transport.

We received positive feedback from key stakeholders who performed testing of the site. Based on this feedback, improvements were made, and a range of new data is now available:

  • The National Return to Work Survey
  • Mining
  • Construction
  • Healthcare and social assistance
  • Manufacturing, and
  • Quad bikes.

There are also updates to the workers’ compensation dashboard making it easier to use, and more data to explore on work-related injuries and diseases.

A new help video has been created to walk users through how to get the most out of the data in the dashboards.

All data content from the Safe Work Australia website will be moved to the new data website over the next month. Please ensure that you update any links that you have from your website to our old data webpages, as well as any personal bookmarks.

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