Checklist for managing the risks of heat in the workplace

Use this checklist if you work in or near heat


Question about risk 

Why this is important 

Is the environment hot or is there fire at the workplace? 

This contributes to incidents such as heat-related illness and burns. 

Are days and nights hotter than usual? 

A heatwave can make it harder to sleep and workers may become fatigued. 

Is it humid? 

High humidity makes it harder for the body to cool itself. 

Do people work during the hot part of the day or year? 

Scheduling work at certain times can increase or decrease risk. 

How often can workers take breaks somewhere cool? 

Working in heat for long periods of time is very dangerous. 

Is there air movement or a breeze? 

This can help cool workers. 

Is the work intense or long? 

The harder the body is working the more heat it needs to lose. 

Are workers physically fit and acclimatised? 

Fit and acclimatised workers can generally tolerate heat better. 

Do workers wear hot clothing (including PPE)? 

Some clothing can prevent air from circulating or sweat from evaporating. 

Are the workers qualified, trained and experienced? 

Experienced workers may be more efficient and use less energy for the same work. They may also be more aware of the hazards, health effects and controls. 

Do workers have medical conditions? 

Some conditions and medications can make workers less able to cope with heat. 

Is there cool drinking water or electrolyte drinks on hand? 

Dehydration can be dangerous and contributes to heat-related illness. 

Supporting information