Working near bushfires

Managing the risks working near bushfires  

Bushfires may pose health and safety risks to workers. Remain vigilant and immediately report any smoke or fires that you see. Your workplace must prepare and inform you of the procedures in the event of an emergency. 

If you are working alone, ensure you have a means of communication with you at all times (e.g. a mobile phone). If you’re working remotely or in an isolated place, you must be able to access help in an emergency. 

Make sure that your work does not increase the risk of starting or intensifying bush fires. This is particularly important if you’re working in rural or bushland areas. For example: 

  • ensure you carry flammable chemicals and liquids (i.e. fuel) safely. Containers should be well maintained to minimise the risk of leaks, and 

  • ensure you correctly dispose of litter, particularly cigarette butts.  

Updated and new bushfire related infographics